In a cooperation with the Deutsche Welle, Radio Nisaa FM hosted a summer camp in Ramallah for young Palestinians between
the age of 14-16 in July 2016. The aim was to increase media literacy among the youth. The workshops focused on strengthening
their skills to access, analyze, and evaluate how media messages affect culture and society whilst preparing for 14 weekly
radio sessions which were broadcasted from August till November the same year.
Youth in the Palestinian Society
The topic for each show reflected upon the main theme “Youth in the Palestinian society” and were choosen by the youth during the summer camp. In each radio show experts, decision-makers, teachers, students, NGOs etc. were invited to discuss the weekly topics.
During the summer camp the participants was taught different tools making them capable of identifying contemporary (international, regional and local) media systems. They gathered an understanding of how media content is originated and thereby enabling them to decipher media messages and understand how media content is constructed across e.g. television, film, radio, recorded music, the press, the internet as well as other communication technologies. Thus, the main focus was on radio as a media and the participants created content themselves.
Every radio show included items produced by the students participating in the project in collaboration with their teacher trainers. It could be a story from their community, a news story, a personal story, or a topic that addresses the interest of youth. A schedule was developed together with Radio Nisaa FM staff.
The opening show as well as the closing show directly addressed how “Media and Information Literacy” relates to the Palestinian population in general. For example how media literacy could be improved for young people through education, and why a broader understanding of society and how information is created and exercised, could be applied in a de-radicalisation process.