Core programs:
Qahweh Mzboot (Morning Coffee): a daily morning show where we cover the most recent economic, social, and cultural topics as well as local and international news stories. We host innovators, women’s rights advocates, and engage the audience in hot topic debates. The show runs daily from 7 to 10 a.m. except for Friday and Saturday. We also do a weekly cross over with a local radio station in Amman – Jordan and link up with their Morning Show host to discuss women and societal issues.
Tarweeha (Drive Show): a daily program about family, health, and fashion. The show also sheds light on women's rights and covers news relating to local organizations. The show runs daily, except for Friday and Saturday, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on a better standard of life , families , health care, you and your child, initiations of local organizations, women and heritage culture, Nisaa and creativity initiation innovation, women and music general topics – horoscopes- hash tags of international trends.(In September 2018 Kalam Nisaa was shifted from 13:00-15:00 to 15:00-17:00)
Al Jawlah Al Masa’ieh (The Evening Tour): a daily radio show except for Friday and Saturday (15:00-16:30) a focus on days’ events from the eyes and opinions of female journalists on different issues such as political, economic, cultural, global news and others with a focus on international initiations by women in general. (Between September–December 2018 Jawlah was moved from 12:00-14:00 and was called Jawlet Al Thahera)
Jawla fe Almuhafathat (Tour in governorates) : a daily program from Sunday to Thursday from 12:00 to 1:00, the program focused on the most prominent issues and problems within the Palestinian governorates, towns and villages such as the problem of water cuts, electricity, roads, sewage, education, etc. The program hosted regularly experts from the field, duty bearer, decision makers and official from the government, mayors and local authorities.
Sabt Ijdeed (A New Saturday) a weekly radio show that covers highlights from Palestinian newspapers and online news, the weekend's most important social activities, as well as a religious segment. We host a special guest each week and discuss their journey and accomplishments. The show airs every Saturday from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Nisaa FM News: daily news are broadcasted three times a day (09:00 am, 12:00pm and 15:00pm)
Nisaa FM News summary: daily news summary are broadcasted four times a day (08:30am, 10:30am, 11:30am and 14:30pm).
Non- Core Programs:
Sabah Wattani (National Morning): a daily radio show that tackled interactive topics from a social cultural perspective. Sponsored by a local Bank the show’s duration was 6 months from September 2018 to February 2019.
Nisaa fe al hukom al Mahalii (Nisaa in the Local Government): a weekly radio show (33 radio show) which broadcasted twice a week (around 34 radio shows in total) the program was under the direct supervision of the Gender Forum in Local Government, the program aimed at raising awareness of women on their civil rights and direct political participation, it also informed the e Ministry of Local Government and the public in large on the key role women play at the local councils, municipalities and the successes made by women in key positions. Duration was 3 months September2018 –December2018.
Al Ta’wonyat (Co-op Associations): a weekly radio show (7 shows in total) in collaboration with Women’s Affairs Technical Committee (WATC) the show focused on initiation of women leaders in Palestinian local associations, with a significant focus on the recently adopted decree by law “ Decree Law No. (20) For the year 2017 on cooperative associations”, the program also focused on different laws and a comparison between laws in force in Gaza Strip and West Bank that regulates the role of local associations with a significant focus on international standards. Duration is one month and a half October 2018 to December 2018.
Women’s health separate radio shows: an awareness radio show that focused on women’s health care (4 separate shows) on women’s health in particular on abortion with a significant focus on the risks of self-abortion that women sometimes resort to that jeopardizing their safety and health by self-inducing or seeking a dangerous illegal procedure. The program also raised women awareness on contraception and fertility control it also tackled women rights to seek and receive health care besides to, equal access to information and quality services related to their sexual and reproductive life, and the urgent need to adopt new legislations that is in line with international standards to support the nature and precious aspects of all reproductive rights, throughout the life cycle, throughout the show we ensured that reproductive choices are respected, and should be free from any form of discrimination. The program was in cooperation with The Palestinian Family Planning and Protection Association (PFPP). Duration one week September 2018.
Al Rujulah (Masculinity): 7 separate radio shows in collaboration with Sharek Youth Forum, the program focused on a recent study conducted by the UN- women entitled “Understanding Masculinity” With a further look at what it means to be a man in Palestine today. Exploring key issues at home and at work, in public and private life, and their attitudes towards gender equality, with a focus on how frequent men dominate or control household decision-making, political and leadership spaces, and the daily lives of women and girls, yet relatively little of a systematic nature is known about men’s attitudes and practices around such issues. Duration was two months August 2018 October 2018.
Nisaa ykodn al Taghieer (Nisaa taking the lead): the program aims to focus on women who lead change in priority communities and make a difference in their lives and the lives of others (4 shows in total). The program also discussed tools and possibilities to develop accountability platforms and institutionalize it in Bedouin priority communities, in order to meet local gender sensitive needs and reduce the gap in participation. It also engaged accountability towards the role played by different ministries (Local Government, Women’s Affairs, etc…) on the need to provide adequate infrastructure to enhance Bedouin women participation in community’s social and political fields and use of accountability tools through managing initiatives that encourage and advocate decision makers to offer procedures and services that support disadvantaged people. This program was in cooperation with (Roles for social change association). Duration one month a half September 2018 to October 2018.
Falastenieh (Palestinian): a weekly radio show (16 radio shows in total each 30 minutes) this show aimed to shed light on success stories of 16 Palestinian women entrepreneurs to share their stories and how they benefited from services provided by Bank of Palestine that enhanced their projects and increased their sales. Duration 4 months April 2018 – July 2018.
Aman(Safety): 5 separate radio shows that aimed at raising awareness of children and adolescents of both sexes about sexual education; and protection from violence through the use of life skills for both parents and local communities have become aware of the prevalence of sexual violence towards children and teenagers from both sexes and how to address it; and how to help victims in East Jerusalem . The show was in collaboration with (Women’s Studies Center). Duration one month December 2018.
Sa’et Hiwar Khat Ahmar (An hour Discussion – red line): This program aimed at highlighting hot and sensitive topics and controversial social and religious topics, and to bring new and different topics e.g. cases of harassment/ wearing vials, to end stereotype and counter social norms, throughout the program we took privacy into consideration when dealing with our – the challenge faced – taking privacy into consideration – society censorship. Duration 12 radio shows in total 4 months February 2018 to May 2018)
Andyat el Nazaha (integrity clubs): It is a 3 weekly radio shows program that aimed at enhancing accountability and integrity among school students with a specific focus on the importance of forming a foundation of integrity and transparency of all members of the family, to ensure the preservation of society free from corruption, stressing the ability of students and their positive impact through different clubs this program was implemented in collaboration with Teacher Creativity Center (TCC).Duration one month 12th July – 26th July 2018.
Aynon Alyha (have eye on her): a radio show broadcasted twice a week (12 radio shows in total) that shed light on Women Rights in general with a specific focus on international treaties and resolution including (UNSCR1325, CEDAW, ICCPR etc). It also aimed at shedding light on monitoring and documentation programs and the gendered impact of occupation and gender based violence in general, each radio show hosted 3 experts from the field to inform the public on recent updates of international advocacy in women rights (and engagement with UN mechanisms as Local CSOs in Palestine).This program engaged several partners General Union of Palestinian Women, Culture& Free Thought Association, UN-Women and EU). Duration two months January 2018-February 2018.
Al Nisaa’ wl-Ryadah (Women and sport): The program focused on promoting gender equity through sports, and aimed at raising awareness of Palestinian women on the importance of sports in general for her health; with a focus on the role Palestinian women have played (14 radio shows). Implemented in support of the Australian Representative Office- Ramallah. Duration 4 months March 15th – June 24th 2018.
Fi 'Oyoun Al Nisaa (Through Women’s Eyes): is a monthly program (10 radio shows in total which sheds light on the most important issues related to Palestinian women and their role in all parts of life besides, to tackling current Palestinian laws and possible means to harmonize these laws with international standards, penal code, personal status law. The program also focused on the 16 days campaign against GBV. The program hosted several guests, women activists, human rights defenders, besides to decision makers (e.g. Asma Kharoub Head of the Gender at the Ministry of Local Government) as well as members of Ramallah and Nablus municipalities. Duration 8 months (May 2018-Decmber 2018).
Sa’et Hiwar ma el- Hakawtyat (An hour with storytellers): weekly program that runs on Monday of each week It highlighted the art of Palestinian storytelling, traditional folk songs, folk proverbs, during the show we hosted Denise Asaad, Fidaa Ataya, Nayla Labbas, Maryam Muammar. Duration 8 months (February – August 2018)
Al-Qadi Ytahadath (The Judge Speaks): a weekly program, the program tackled issues and cases of women in courts, with an aim to raise women legal empowerment how to seek redress and resort to courts in cases of violations/ abuses/ assaults etc. The program hosted Palestinian judges to discuss gender sensitive cases related to alimony, custody, watching hosting and divorce cases. Duration 4 months (September 2018-December 2018).
Majalesna Behajetna (Our local councils need us): 6 radio shows carried out during December 2019. The program focused on enhancing the participation of citizens (Women) in local councils and participation of citizens in decision-making processes and the work of the village council, and how the village council enhances the participation of women and persons with disabilities in particular in the work of the village council. The program hosted several experts from the field heads of local council across West Bank. This program is implemented with the Palestinian Vision Foundation in cooperation with Nisaa FM Radio, supported by the German Cooperation Foundation (GIZ). Duration one month- December 2018.
Taswaq (shopping): Is a program aimed at raising awareness and increasing sales for 24 women entrepreneurs benefited from our media campaign (radio spots / radio shows ) that provided them with the needed support and help on issues and challenges that they might face in their business throughout our media campaign. For example certain women face problem with e-marketing other in funding and some in finding marketing tools. (With a total of 21 radio shows-3 women refused to come on air)- Duration 4 months (1st August- 6th December 2018).