| Ramallah - Nisaa FM:
The World Bank has appointed the founder and general manager of Nisaa FM, Ms. Maysoun Odeh, among the top ten women entrepreneurs in the Arab world and as the most influential woman in the Middle East and North African region.
Throughout the Middle East and North Africa, women are defying the odds and seizing opportunities to... |
 | Nisaa FM: - A Finnish journalist and photographer have visited Radio Nisaa FM - and the visit has resulted in an article published in the Finnish magazine ISO NRO in december 2017.
The magazine ISO NRO is Finland’s first street paper sold by low-income and homeless vendors, who represent a wide cross-section of European migrating... |
 | Nisaa FM occupies a special place in the Palestinian media landscape. This radio is the first commercial station made by and for women in the Middle East. It takes its name from the term "nisaa", which means "women" in Arabic. Article from TV5 Monde (in French) |
 | Palestinian reality is debated across the globe. However, often by international academics, journalists and politicians. The Danish House in Palestine has invited a number of Palestinians representing different outlooks and areas of expertise to share their perspectives. In January 2016 Director Maysoun Odeh Gangat from Radio Nisaa FM was interviewed. |
 | Code of Conduct
Freedom of expression is one of the foundations of just, democratic and peaceful societies.
Nisaa FM is committed to the free expression of views, debates, ideas, discussions, opinions and news that is relevant to its listeners, in Palestine.
Nisaa FM aims to be the leading source of news and information for women... |
 | SCHWAB Foundation - Maysoun Gangat was nominated a Schwab Social Entrepreneur during the World Economic Forum Meeting in Amman in May 2015 for her work on Radio Nisaa. The recognition will give to Radio Nisaa significant visibility throughout the region and worldwide |
 | KVINFO - “One of the biggest signs of success for us is the fact that our radio station is being played on public transport, for example on the bus between Jerusalem and Ramallah. That means that we’re really reaching a wide audience,” says Maysoun Odeh. |
 | Synergos - Maysoun Gangat is enhancing connectivity and dialogue amongst women separated by walls and checkpoints about women’s rights with cultural sensitivity. |
 | Mother Jones - The West Bank just experienced its first economic upswing in years, but here’s another cause for hope: Palestine's first all-women’s radio station launched last week. Nisaa FM—that’s “women” in Arabic—broadcasts a mix of news and entertainment from Ramallah in the West Bank for a few hours a day. |
 | REUTERS - From corner fruit stalls in Hebron to chic Ramallah ballet studios, Palestinian women are making their mark in business, some out of necessity and others looking to break the gender mould and pursue a dream. "We need awareness about being a businesswoman," said Maysoun Gangat, the founder and CEO of NISAA FM, which already ranks as one of Ramallah's top five radio stations. |
 | This Week in Palestine - "Upgrading the role and image of Palestinian women in the media requires that women take part in the decision-making process, change the mechanism by which media institutions handle women’s issues, and adopt a media approach that is more effective, realistic, and humanitarian when addressing women’s issues," says Nisreen Awwad, presenter of Nisaa FM's morning show Qahweh Mzboot. |
 | Al-Monitor - In the early years of the Palestinian Authority (PA), one of its biggest goals was to establish sovereignty over Palestinian land. This included what is below the ground as well as the skies above. While the fight over land has been the biggest challenge, Palestinians have been successful in capturing the skies by launching tens of local radio and TV stations, which reserved available frequencies and prevented the Israelis from occupying them as well. |