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Promotion of Palestinian Women’s Views in the News
07 September 2015

In 2013, the UNESCO Office in Ramallah and the British Consulate in Jerusalem supported Radio Nisaa FM with facilitating a 
training on radio and broad-casting techniques. The project was funded by the International Program for the Development of
Communication (IPDC).

The project aimed to increase media pluralism in Palestine, and ensure the media’s role as a platform for democratic discourse
that takes a gender-balanced perspective. Building on the achievements of the 2011 training project, also supported by IPDC,
this project sought to enhance the role of professional women journalists in the media environment in Palestine as well as
improve their knowledge about the use of social media as a means of reporting.

Aside from training seven additional reporters, this project aimed to establish a news room at Nisaa’s Ramallah studio in order
to provide the Palestinian population with gender-sensitive, unbiased and accurate daily news coverage.

As was the case with the 2011 training project, the selected participants came from marginalized parts of Palestine (rural areas,
Jerusalem and the ’48 territories within Israel). The project thus highlighted the importance of connecting Palestinian women from
Jerusalem and other territories to women in the West Bank, in order to improve the network and solidarity between them, and
work towards their mutual empowerment. 

The program also enabled the participants to broadcast and report on issues that occupy the daily lives of women living in these
separate areas, issues that otherwise receive very little media coverage, if any at all.