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The Department of Human Rights and Civil Society of the Palestine Liberation Organization warns against committing genocide crimes against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip
11 October 2023

Ramallah - Nisaa FM - The Israeli occupation government commits continuous crimes against our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, where until this moment more than 8 Palestinian families have been completely erased from the Palestinian civil registry as a result of direct targeting by the Israeli occupation aircraft and war machine, under an international cover of the global colonial powers sponsoring this occupation, from the day of its occupation of Palestine until the present day. With absolute encouragement from the United States of America and some European countries.

Israeli occupation warplanes continue to bomb civilian objects, leading to the martyrdom of hundreds of men, elderly, women and children since the start of the Israeli occupation’s aggression against our people in the Gaza Strip the day before yesterday.
This occupation, which is trying to employ all its military capabilities to carry out the most horrific massacres against the Palestinian people, is also unleashing at the same time gangs of settlers to commit more crimes against Palestinian villages and towns in the West Bank and Jerusalem.
The course of events on the ground, which have so far caused the martyrdom of hundreds of our Palestinian people, the injury of thousands, the demolition of hundreds of homes and residential towers, and the displacement of more than 73,000 Palestinian citizens as a result of the ongoing bombing operations, brings to mind the scenes of the Nakba of our people in 1948 and the massacres committed by the Israeli occupation gangs against them in light of international silence and double standards, makes us emphasize that the behavior of our Palestinian people is a behavior guaranteed by international humanitarian law in defending themselves and their land and exercising their right to self-determination, which is normal behavior in the face of the forces of evil, killing and destruction represented by the Israeli occupation of our Palestinian land, which has continued for more than 75 years.
We call on the free people of the world and all people of conscience to triumph to the suffering of our Palestinian people, specifically in the face of the governments of the countries that sponsor the Israeli military occupation terrorism on our land, by starting massive popular demonstrations in all parts of the world to stand against the Israeli occupation’s premeditated intentions to carry out major massacres against our Palestinian people under American auspices and declared British and German conciliation, which prompts us to recall that the Palestinian leadership, represented by President Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestine Liberation Organization, warned that the continuation of the Israeli occupation crimes on our Palestinian land will make us reach such an explosion in the field conditions on the ground, and that the only solution is to end the current Israeli military occupation and establish an independent, sovereign Palestinian state and implement the resolutions of international legitimacy, including the decision to return the Palestinian refugees and liberate prisoners from the Israeli occupation prisons, this alone guarantees a just and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue.Without that, the crimes of the Israeli occupation remain the most present memory in the conscience of our Palestinian people, who face the ugliest and most heinous crimes committed by the Israeli occupation government, its army, and settler gangs.
We reiterate our call to all free people in the world to begin demonstrations in the capitals of countries in support of the Palestinian people and in protection of the international humanitarian law, to prevent future crimes and massacres which the Israeli occupation is preparing to carry out against our Palestinian people everywhere in the oPTs.
Compassion and forgiveness for our righteous martyrs, to whom the world turned a deaf ear and a blind eye on supporting their just cause.
Freedom to our brave prisoners, and speedy recovery for wounded ones.