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I was featured on Welt am Sonntag!
02 September 2020

Ramallah - Nisaa FM 

Dear friends and business partners, 

I hope you are doing well. I wanted to send out this email to share with you the article written about me in Welt am Sonntag Newspaper. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this newspaper, it is Germany's most well-known and widespread Sunday newspaper. Every week, a variety of topics are discussed in this newspaper, from politics, economics, finance, and culture to sports, style, travel, and real estate. 

I am very proud to have been featured in this week's issue, and to have had the opportunity to share my story and future ambitions of inspiring and mentoring women. For the past two years, I have been working very hard to mentor women from different countries and backgrounds in their entrepreneurial journey on one-to-one basis, and so when I got the chance to speak about my project on Welt am Sonntag, I could not be happier. 

I am delighted to have been described as "successful" in this article, but I, personally, see that I am still in the process of striving to achieve success. No one is able to see what is inside of you except yourself, and only you are able to know how much you can give to others, and how much authenticity and distinction you can contribute. I believe that success comes when you reach a stage of satisfaction with yourself, despite the things you have achieved throughout your journey.

For many years now, I have made a pact with myself to spend a minimum of 10 hours per week talking to female entrepreneurs, who come from underprivileged backgrounds, and mentor them. This is the best compensation for my soul, it’s the cheque which I deposit in my bank every week; to see others become better versions of themselves. When you give an opportunity to someone, they will support others the same way you supported them, kindness heals the world.

The article written about me is the first of three stories published by Welt am Sonntag prior to the conference that they will be holding in the fall, which is called "Better Future," whose aim is to celebrate women's career and professional journeys. In this article, I speak about my background, my professional journey, and the Amali Mentoring Network, a mentoring project that I am currently working on with GIZ Germany. I also share some of the obstacles I had to overcome in order to showcase the difficulties women entrepreneurs face. The many challenges I have faced have pushed me to make it my goal to help women who are starting their entrepreneurial journey by mentoring them.  

I would like to end this email with a thought. I have learned that when you remain connected to your destiny and attached the right people around you, and determine in depth what you want, then life goes with you instead of taking you somewhere else you don't want to be. 

Warm regards,
Rasha Oudeh