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Enhancing women's Marketing skills in small and medium enterprises - Implemented with the support of MEPI
11 March 2018

Ramallah - Nisaa FM

The project goal: was to support women led businesses in urban and rural areas living in Palestine to promote their small or medium business and scale up their products sales.

Nisaa FM aims to build the sales capacity of Palestinian businesswomen using the radio station as a medium to promote women-led businesses and products.

The project included two phases, marketing skills training of 50 Palestinian women and an advertising campaign to increase product sales .

Here are few links for the program:

1. https://soundcloud.com/radionisaa96fm/jkteo2r6mymo

2. https://soundcloud.com/radionisaa96fm/zr0liuvsalas

3. https://soundcloud.com/radionisaa96fm/1j8ezchpxi7z

4. https://soundcloud.com/radionisaa96fm/22a-2